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Publications of researchers

This page displays an overview of climate obstruction research done by Dutch researchers. This overview is not complete yet, please help us create a more complete and up-to-date overview by sharing relevant research with us.

Climate obstruction – overview

Duineveld, M., Dix, G., Plets, GJ, Huzier, V. (2024). ‘Climate Obstruction in the Netherlands: Strategic and systemic obstruction of Dutch climate policies (1980-present)’ in Brulle, J. T. Roberts and M.C. Spencer (Eds.) ‘Climate Obstruction across Europe’, Oxford University Press.


Braat, C., Pereira, A., Knoester, L. (2023). Patriotic and pragmatic: how oil companies want to be seen in an uncertain Europe.

Nazaruk, Z. (2023). De duurzaamheidsstrategie van de Rotterdamse haven zorgt voor meer methaanuitstoot – een vergeten broeikasgas met hogere impact dan CO₂ [Port of Rotterdam’s sustainability strategy increases methane emissions – a forgotten
greenhouse gas with higher impact than CO₂]. Vers Beton.