Esther Turnhout
University of Twente
Type of researcher
Short biography
Prof. dr. Esther Turnhout is chair of Science, Technology and Society at the Section of Knowledge, Transformation & Society (KiTeS), University of Twente, The Netherlands. She is an interdisciplinary social scientist with expertise in science and technology studies, environmental studies and political science. Her research and teaching focuses on the politics of environmental knowledge, the relation between science and alternative knowledge systems and paradigms and the interactions between knowledge, policy, and society. Specifically, she explores how environmental science can end up obstructing environmental policy and transformative change and how science itself needs to transform to support urgently needed changes for human-ecological well-being.
Areas of expertise (keywords)
economic modelling/assessment
environmental sciences
climate science
Climate obstruction publications
Turnhout, E. (2024). A better knowledge is possible: transforming environmental science for justice and pluralism. Environmental Science & Policy, 155, 103729.
Turnhout, E. and Lynch C. (2024). Raising the carbonized forest: science and technologies of singularization. Accepted for publication in Environment and Planning F.
Turnhout, E., Lahsen, M., 2022. Transforming environmental research to avoid tragedy. Climate and Development 14, 834-838
Lahsen, M., Turnhout, E., 2021. How norms, needs and power in science obstruct transformations to sustainability. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 025008.
The future of biodiversity: transforming research and practice beyond conservation, keynote lecture 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ) ‘The future of Biodiversity’, 12-16 September 2023, Leipzig, Germany. Event page here: https://www.gfoe-conference.de. Video here: https://youtu.be/35IQ_OCys78
Turnhout, E., De inktzwarte keerzijde van efficiëntie: oneerlijke verdeling van de ruimte en een ongezonde leefomgeving. Trouw, 25 february, 2023, https://www.trouw.nl/opinie/de-inktzwarte-keerzijde-van-efficientie-oneerlijke-verdeling-van-de-ruimte-en-een-ongezonde-leefomgeving~b3313ae4/
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