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Augusto Heras
University of Amsterdam
Type of researcher
Short biography
I’m a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam, working within the project Climate Change and Fossil Fuels (CLIFF), led by Prof. Joyeeta Gupta. My research concerns the challenges and opportunities for a just and inclusive energy transition in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), focusing on Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground. I hold a MA in International Relations and a BA in Political, Social and International Sciences from the University of Bologna (Italy), with study and research experience in France (Paris 1), Spain (UCM) and Argentina (UNQ), including participation in the UN ECLAC’s Programme of Advanced Studies in Latin American Economies 2021. My previous research focused on labour income inequality in Italy and the process of deindustrialization in Argentina.
Areas of expertise (keywords)
energy systems
social movements/activism
political science
climate justice
alternative economic models
other, specify in next section
Other areas of expertise (keywords)
International Relations
International Political Economy
Political Economy of Development
Climate obstruction publications
Heras, A. (2024). Supply-side climate policy and fossil fuels in developing countries: A neo-Gramscian perspective. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 24(1), 49–74. Heras, A., & Gupta, J. (2024). Fossil fuels, stranded assets, and the energy transition in the Global South: A systematic literature review. WIREs Climate Change, 15(1), e866.
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