Martijn Duineveld
Wageningen University
Type of researcher
Short biography
Martijn Duineveld is Associate professor at the Cultural Geography Group Wageningen University and he was co-director of the Centre for Space, Place and Society (2019-2022). He is co-founder and active contributor to the emerging body of literature on Evolutionary Governance Theory. Currently he is involved in the W*O*L*F* project which exposes how big industry obstructs transitions to a low-emission society and climate justice.
Areas of expertise (keywords)
greenwashing and PR
climate justice
Other areas of expertise (keywords)
climate obstruction
Climate obstruction publications
Duineveld, M., Dix, G., Plets, GJ, Huzier, V. (2024) ‘Climate Obstruction in the Netherlands: Strategic and systemic obstruction of Dutch climate policies (1980-present)’ in Brulle, J. T. Roberts and M.C. Spencer (Eds.) ‘Climate Obstruction across Europe’, Oxford University Press