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Linda Knoester
Solid Sustainability Research
Type of researcher
Short biography
Linda comes from a background in environmental sciences and worked on integrating climate risks and sustainability into financial tools. Together with Aaron Pereira, she founded Solid Sustainability Research, a small action-oriented research bureau. Solid’s main focus since early 2023 is researching the relationships between universities and the fossil fuel industry, see Linda’s experience in climate action and volunteering in refugee camps gave her insight into power dynamics and social movements. She is a natural organiser and loves to bring people together to work on a common goal. She is excited to use these skills in the coordination of the Climate Obstruction NL network!
Areas of expertise (keywords)
greenwashing and PR
academic collaboration with fossil fuel industry
cultural sector collaboration with fossil fuel industry
economic modelling/assessment
environmental sciences
climate science
social movements/activism
climate impacts
Climate obstruction publications
Pereira, A. & Linda Knoester (2024, August 13). 'CO2-neutraal wensdenken met CCS: dweilen met de kraan open'. Boode, M., Knoester, L., Sachisthal, M., Markus, A., Hilbers, D., Landsman, K. (2024). De universiteit heeft wel degelijk een moreel kompas en dat wijst samenwerking met ‘fossiel’ af’. Volkskrant. Akkerman, M., Knoester, L. (2023). Universiteiten, ontwikkel beleid voor ethische samenwerking. ScienceGuide. Pereira, A., Knoester, L. (2023). Handbook for researching fossil ties at your university. Pereira, A., Braat, C., Knoester, L. (2023). Patriotic and pragmatic: how oil companies want to be seen in an uncertain Europe.
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